Errors & Omissions Professional Liability Insurance

Unintentional accidents can occur each and everyday
you open your doors to serve clients in your veterinary
medical practice.

In today’s litigious world, it’s not enough to say you are sorry.
That’s because money-hungry lawyers will likely convince their
clients to file a lawsuit. A lawsuit that can cost you
your business and profession and impact your personal life.

Professional Liability Insurance can help pay for lawsuits
when clients accuse your business of:

  • Work errors or mistakes
  • Undelivered services
  • Malpractice or negligence

Professional liability insurance can protects you against
errors, omissions, malpractice and negligence from
services by you and/or your staff

    • Work Errors or Mistakes…
      If clients sue you over an error, Professional Liability Insurance
      can help you pay for their losses.
    • Undelivered Services…
      If you promise your client a result you do not deliver,
      Professional Liability Insurance can help cover the expenses for
      your lawsuit.
    • Malpractice or Negligent Services…
      If your work doesn’t meet industry standards,
      Professional Liability Insurance can help pay your legal bills
      if and when your client sues.

Veterinary-Insurance specializes in policies that are specific
for veterinarians. So you can have less worry and
greater peace of mind you are protected.

Go here to schedule a FREE consultation
or call Jack Lungmus at 800-860-2862.

Complete the form below to sign up and get tips about how you can
lower your risks.